Vertical Stacked Solar Panels - DIY 3d solar tower

Vertical Stacked Solar panels:


"In a vertical solar panel system, the panels are stacked and placed vertically above one another this can lead to an unbelievable improvement in productivity and the minimization of the area required for installing a solar-powered system."


The global trend of generating electrical energy through Hydel, wind, ocean, or nuclear energy, or fuel energy, etc., is now being replaced by the trend of generating energy through solar panels. Certain bits of evidence and reasons have made this concept worthy.

Cost Effectiveness:

The most prominent benefit of this trend is free of cost power delivery. It doesn’t need any input power to generate electricity. Although it needs some initial capital cost to install a solar power plant.


Another worthy fact about the installation of a solar power plant is its zero maintenance cost. The maintenance cost of all other means of generating electric power consumes a huge amount of money.
Thus, maintenance cost indirectly reduce the net profit of an organization. By adopting the trend of generating power through solar means can lead us to a scenario that reduces the maintenance to zero.

Contribution to Environment:

Another positive reason for adopting this trend is its environmental friendliness. This source of generating electric power can save natural resources, like water, fuel (petrol, diesel, kerosene, CNG, etc.), coal and nuclear resources, etc. Also, it makes the environment more human-friendly.
For example, using electric power through all other means need human operators all the time. Furthermore, it needs functional and operational labor force, but solar power plant doesn’t need these all. It has a very easy and human-friendly operational methodology.
It's a clean and human-friendly natural source that is becoming popular in the modern world where electricity is becoming expensive and resources are becoming scarce.

Feasibility of Solar-powered System:

Let's compare the cost of all other means of generating electric power with a solar power system. The initial capital cost of the solar power system is the minimum amongst all and the operational cost, as well as the maintenance cost of the solar-powered system, is close to zero, which is very economically beneficial among all other power sources. See here some cheapest ways to produce electricity at home.

So, after elaborating on different factors the conclusive idea is to adopt a solar-powered system due to plenty of factors.

1. Its environment friendly
2. Its cost-efficient
3. It's clean and doesn’t rely on fuels and other natural sources
4. Easily accessible power source anywhere whether you are camping outside or live in a remote location you can enjoy this power source.

How to Stack Solar Panels?

You can DIY a wooden stand to stack your solar panels. This will enable you to make a 3d solar tower keeping solar arrays in a vertical pattern. 

Hence improving solar energy generation as well as acquiring less space, time and saving money in the long run.


Visit Here DIY vertical solar stand for stacking panels of your own.


More solar power generation:

Modern studies and research witnesses the fact of improving the productivity and efficiency of the system by using the vertically stacked set up for solar panels despite the horizontal one. 

MIT University has carried out detailed research on this topic. 

And they eventually reach to this conclusion that vertical setup can generate even twenty times more electric power than horizontal setup.

Consuming area:

Along with the issue of low productivity, another issue was raised, while operating a solar-powered system with the horizontal setup. 

In the most populated zone, it was almost impossible to create such a large area for the installation of a solar-powered system with a horizontal setup.

Although it was still possible to evacuate some areas for the installation of domestic purpose solar power plant. It was out of the question to evacuate the too big area in the populated cities like Chongqing, Tokyo, New York, Washington DC, London, California, Beijing, Austria, etc. for the installation of a solar-powered system for commercial purposes as it would need hundreds of square kilometer area for its installation.

The latest and advanced research proposed another setup for the installation of a solar power system. Productivity can be improved by twenty times by implementing vertical-style solar panels.

Contribution of Backyard Revolution Program to achieve vertically stacked setup


The productivity of solar panels can be improved while the area required for its installation can be reduced by the vertical setup solar panels.


A program, Backyard Revolution Program created by Zack Bennett to adjust the issues of running out of electrical power and to settle the issue of getting expensive electric bills each month.
By using this module, every house can be made self-sufficient in generating electric power for its domestic purposes just in the smallest area of only ten square meters.
This 3-D Solar system is capable of generating 20 times more electric power than any conventional solar system in the same given area according to the program.

The Tendency to Encounter Challenges

This new module of generating electric power through solar means disclosed a new chapter of technology regarding the production of electric power through solar means

Model of generating solar energy in vertically stacked solar panels:

This model is based on a three-dimensional structure that almost doubles the capability of generating electric power through solar energy in any available area. This module follows the overlapping series of solar panels above each other.

But one thing to be noted and take care of is to ensure every solar panel is placed over one another in such a way that all the solar panels can receive the full glaze of sunlight.

Construction at Home DIY:

Mr. Zack has demonstrated pretty much clear and simple to make this module easier and familiar with the people. He demonstrated this design step by step, making it very clear and understandable for the people across the globe.

You can download the guide regarding the Backyard Revolution Program with complete step by step guidelines and all the tools required for how to design the Backyard Revolution for the solar power plant at your homes.

You can also find a video that will further facilitate you exactly how to design this module in your home practically without contacting any expert for professional help.

Learn about mit solar tower aka DIY stand and vertical stack your solar panels.